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Codependency Recovery

Break the Chains of Codependency Today

Codependency is controlling your life.

And you don’t know how to break free.

You’ve spent years putting other people’s needs first while seeking approval, stuffing your emotions, and repressing your needs for the sake of others.

Fear of disappointing others is an overriding factor in your life.

Past relationships have felt toxic and not authentic. You fear abandonment because you are scared that you are not good enough at your core, but ironically, you have been abandoning yourself for years.

None of this is your fault.

You are not your codependency; you are your conditioning. That conditioning traces back to childhood experiences that were NOT your fault.

Being unseen and unheard was a survival mode for you during childhood, and that conditioning made you believe that love is conditional.

Codependency has its origin in subconscious beliefs, emotions, and behaviors created in your past. These childhood experiences impacted your developing personality.

Our patterns are not our personalities. You stay stuck until you discover the subconscious patterns responsible for your codependent behaviors.

It’s time to rewire your programming.

Rewiring helps you overcome your conditioning and get past codependency. Therapy can help you start overcoming the shame tied to negative childhood experiences that caused you to develop low self-esteem.

We will work together to learn that you can trust your inner voice and stop people-pleasing and acting as if you have no needs. You will learn to develop healthy boundaries and true intimacy in relationships.

Codependency recovery will teach you how to stop seeking external validation and begin loving your authentic self. You have always been worthy of being seen and heard.

Release yourself from the toxic chains. It’s time to find the road back to you. You are and have always been enough. I’m ready to help you break free.