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Trauma Therapy

“I kept running away from my darkness until I understood that in it I would find my freedom.”
– Yung Pueblo

Trauma keeps you from moving forward.

Trauma is anything that negatively impacts the way you see yourself, others, and the world around you.

Trauma comes in many forms, from complex to a single incident or generational trauma passed down through our ancestors.

Often, a strong inner critic compares our experiences to others, saying, “What happened to me wasn’t that bad.”

However, I am here to tell you, it doesn’t matter if you are drowning in six inches or six feet of water, you are still drowning, and trauma is making you feel stuck in the emotions of the past and preventing you from living the life you want.

Trauma lodges itself in the body.

Often, using talk therapy alone isn’t enough. Consider trauma as what is happening in the brain and what is also happening in the body.

If we don’t address the body, we can’t find relief because we won’t be present at the moment for change.

A release of “stuck” traumatic energy can occur through therapy by gently guiding ourselves to develop an increasing awareness of and tolerance for bodily sensations and suppressed emotions.

Here are some symptoms of trauma.

Life is full of emotional swings. It’s challenging to feel alive or be present. You find it hard to trust others or yourself and display intolerance for yourself or others.

Physically, you are not well. Sudden sweating, heart palpitations, or a racing heart come about for no reason, or you suffer from stomachaches, lower immune system, IBS, or autoimmune disorders.

Everything seems to upset or startle you, including noises or unexpected touches. At times, you find it is not easy to concentrate or focus. Even sleep patterns change, disrupting REM sleep cycles. Perhaps you even display an increased pain threshold.

Substances become a means of coping.

Trauma therapy helps you heal the mind, body, and spirit.

Mind – Therapy helps you address and reprocess difficult memories and address the underlying core beliefs we hold about ourselves. You will release what is holding you back and regulate challenging emotions to no longer run the show.

Body – Integrated trauma therapy helps calm your nervous system to handle those overwhelming emotions better, so you can be more present with those you love and feel more in control of your life. You’ll enjoy better sleep and physical health.

Spirit – Trauma therapy helps you tune into your inner power and intuition. You can start to trust yourself and regain a sense of direction, purpose, and motivation – and find your voice again.

Therapy is only successful if you do it with someone you are comfortable with and truly trust.

Let’s chat to see if we are a good fit.

“I have come to the conclusion that human beings are born with an innate capacity to triumph over trauma. I believe not only that trauma is curable, but that the healing process can be a catalyst for profound awakening – a portal opening to emotional and genuine spiritual transformation.”

– Dr. Peter Levine